photo Rick Hekman
Adventurous ensemble work by six musicians from the fields of jazz, impro and world music Bass saxophonist Klaas Hekman discovers new sounds with Indian violinist Satyakam Mohkamsing, Dutch-Surinamese guitarist Andro Biswane and Dutch trombonist Joost Buis, along with concertinist Simon Thoumire and percussionist Alan Purves, both from Scotland.
Satyakam Mohkamsing (India) viool
Joost Buis (NL)trombone, slideguitar
Klaas Hekman (NL)bassax, Shakuhachi en fluit
Andro Biswane (Suriname)gitaar
Alan ‘Gunga’ Purves(Schotland)percussie, squeeks
Simon Thoumire (Schotland)concertina
31 maart 21.00 u De X Leiden locatie Qbus 071 5123568
1 april 15.00 u Korzo Theater Den Haag 070 3637540
1 april 20.30 u Theater Bouwkunde Deventer 0570 614075
5 april 20.30 u Tropentheater Amsterdam 020 5688500
6 april 20.30 u Mondiaal Centrum Haarlem 023 5423540
7 april 20.30 u Muziekhuis Utrecht 030 8200110
Biografieën The NOO Ones
SIMON THOUMIRE – concertina (Schotland)
Born in Edinburgh in 1970, Simon is a musician, composer, record producer, company director, administrator, educator, influential figure on the traditional music scene and much, much more…
Concertina. An acknowledged concertina virtuoso, Simon Thoumire started his career by winning the prestigious BBC Radio 2 Young Tradition Award in 1989. He has continued to dazzle audiences with his playing all over his native country and across Europe and North America as a solo performer, with his trio The Simon Thoumire Three, and, as a member of folk band Keep it Up With recordings on the Green Linnet, Acoustic Radio and Foot Stompin’ labels, Simon Thoumire is well-known as a performer on both sides of the Atlantic. He is also much in demand as a composer of new music in both contemporary and traditional genres. He has made many radio broadcasts and television appearances and has performed at the Barbican in London for HRH Prince Charles.
A musician always keen to explore different genres, Simon has released several acclaimed CDs including two which featured his extended Simon Thoumire Orchestra delving into jazz, folk and composition. In 2000 he began a collaboration with pianist David Milligan which saw the pair perform in Canada and at several European festivals and much –praised CDs The Big Day In and Third Flight Home.
Klaas Hekman (NL)
To specialize in the bass saxophone is in itself an unusual and likely unique idea. Rotterdam resident Klaas Hekman has chosen this path for the past twenty-five years and is undeniably 'the' master of this instrument. His beginnings, nearly thirty years ago, as a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in The Hague are surprisingly on flute. His destiny however was ensured at a 1980 meeting in London with Lol Coxhill, when he saw a bass saxophone in a music shop. He was fascinated by this enormous instrument, purchased it and the rest is, as the expression goes, history. Over the ensuing years his illustrious portfolio has included events with large saxophone ensembles, theatre productions, dance music from Surinam, and in more recent years collaborations with numerous players including trumpeter Roy Campbell, and with Intermission, a music project for three double basses and one bass saxophone: Hideji Taninaka, William Parker and Wilbert de Joode on the double basses. Intermission has also performed with the English guitar legend Derek Bailey, pianist Chris Burn and (electronic) composer Gilius van Bergeijk. A recording from 2004 (Yolo - Strotbrock 501) presents him solo, illustrating the brilliance of his playing. Howard Reich in the Chicago Tribune wrote: "How one man can produce so much thunderous sound from so unwieldy an instrument almost defies comprehension. But Hekman's solos proved so majestic in scope, searing in tone and coherent in structure as to represent self-contained artistic statements in their own right."
Joost Buis(NL)
Joost is trombonist, improvisator, componist, bandleider en lap steel guitarist in Amsterdam.
Hij speelde met uiteenlopende Nederlandse groepen en projecten zoals het Ab Baars Kwartet, het Willem Breuker Kollektief, Sean Bergin & M.O.B., Corrie & de Brokken, Palinckx, Bite the Gnatze, New Cool Collective Bigband, de opera's NOACH and HIER van Guus Janssen, Ex Orkest, het Vera Vingerhoeds Kwartet, Krang, The Ex & Guests & Getatchew Mekurya, Han Bennink en incidenteel met Misha Mengelberg, George Lewis en Roswell Rudd.
Hij leidt vier eigen ensembles, elk met een zeer eigen karakter. Compacte stukken met uitdagingen tot collectieve improvisatie in de Astronotes, muzikale portretten van zijn favoriete trombonisten in het kwartet Sliphorn met Han Bennink, vrije improvisatie in Snap, Crackle & Pop en verkenningen van de geluidsmogelijkheden van koper een houtblazers in het Joost Buis Tentet, een band die werd opgericht voor de North Sea Jazz Festival compositieopdracht 2006.
Buis denkt bij het schrijven vaak in de individuele stemmen van de instrumenten om te zorgen dat iedereen iets leuks heeft te spelen, in plaats van onbegrijpelijke bijdragen die pas zinvol worden in het grote geheel. Dat levert prachtige weefsels van zinnetjes op. Hij speelde zelf jaren in een fanfare.
Andro Biswane – gitaar (Suriname)
Geboren: 25 januari 1965 te Moengo, Suriname
Kwam in 1975 in Nederland terecht als zoon van migrante C.Weibolt-Biswane en M.Biswane.
Doorliep de middelbare school en de Hogere Beroeps opleiding Electro techniek maar besloot uiteindelijk om toch muziek te gaan studeren.
Hij studeerde tussen 1984 en 1987 Klassiek gitaar aan de afdeling Klassieke Muziek van het Rotterdams Conservatorium en tussen 1991-1996 elektrisch gitaar aan de afdeling Lichte Muziek ook aan het Rotterdams Conservatorium. Begon in 1984 te werken als gitarist, bassist in het beroepsveld en bekwaamde zich sindsdien in de stijlen Cariben, Latin, Jazz, Pop, Blues, Afrikaans en Wereldmuziek.
Deed tussen 1997-2003 onderzoek in de Afro Mandingue en Sudan muziek stijlen in West-Afrika (Gambia, Mali, Senegal).
Andro doceerde en gaf hij workshops aan het Conservatoria, muziek Academies en Music Colleges in USA, Senegal, Polen, Zanzibar, Nederland en zoals recentelijk in Zuid-India (Chennai).
Hij is momenteel werkzaam als docent gitaar op diverse muziekscholen in Nederland. Ook is hij de vaste gitarist/componist/arrangeur van Fra Fra Sound en zijn eigen band Kara Dara en werkt in opdracht voor Culturele projecten, theaters en als freelance gitarist/bassist en componist/arrangeur.
Hij werkte samen met artiesten als: Fra Fra Sound, Lester Bowie, David Murray, Toumanie Diabate, Basekou Kouyate, Zuco 103, Izaline Calister, Denise Jannah, Eric Calmes Zamanakitoki, Karim Ziad (ex drummer Joe Zawinul), Iwan van Hetten, Billy Haynes (ex bassist Tina Turner), Ray Appleton (exdrummer John Coltrane), Kalpana Raghuraman (Indiase dans) , Sandip Battacharya (Indiase Tabla)
Satyakam Mohkamsing - violin(India)
Satyakam Mohkamsing a young and promising violinist who was born in New Delhi India in 1987. He started his musical training at the age of seven in Varanasi, India under the guidance of the well-known Satyaprakash Mohanti, a student of Dr. N. Rajam. Satyakam continues his studies at the Rotterdam Music College (Codarts) where he is taught by the Dutch virtuous Lenneke van Staalen. He also received training from established vocalists such as Rita Bokil and Sambyal ‘Rangilewale’ Thakur in Suriname. Since then he has performed in The Netherlands and Suriname, South America
Alan Purves - percussion (Schotland)
The Scottish drummer and percussionist Alan Purves has been touring and playing all over the world and there is not a musical style that he has not played. He worked with actors, dancers, theatre companies like the Footsbarn theatre, Orkater and many bands. Rock bands and jazz bands like Sean Bergin's MOB, Tristan Honzinger's This That and the Other, Franky Douglas Sunchild, The Astronotes and Palinckx. With cellist Ernst Reyseger he has a project with Sardinian singers in which you can hear his wide range of influences: Latin, folk, rock, jazz and improvised music. More a ‘squeekologist’ than a mere drummer, he creates rhythm from any object at hand.
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